San Diego, California - Besides being a leader in solar installation in San Diego, Milholland Electric, located on the web at , also handles residential and commercial standard electric installation and repair. The experts at Milholland Electric have seen many situations over the nearly 25 years they have been in business involving electrical safety issues, either with solar power in San Diego or with standard electrical wiring.
For some reason, electrical accidents tend to be more prevalent around the holidays. People are using more electricity and, in the excitement of good times with friends and family, may forget some of the basic safety rules about electrical appliances and wiring. Milholland Electric, a leading solar company in San Diego, wants to offer home and business owners a few tips to keep everyone safe during the holidays.
• Be mindful of wiring. Many accidents happen because wires are put in dangerous spots. Avoid dragging electrical cords along the ground or through bushes where they can become frayed and easily exposed to water. Never use lights that have visibly damaged wiring.
• Use the right equipment. Follow manufacturer's guidelines for the maximum number of strings of lights to connect to one outlet to avoid overload. Never connect one extension cord to another; instead, buy a cord long enough for lighting needs.
• Stay in the kitchen when cooking. It may be tempting to grab a mug of cocoa or glass of wine and visit with friends, but leaving things cooking without attendance is a recipe for disaster. Be sure that someone monitors cooking at all times, particularly baking. Keep an especially careful eye on children who are working in the kitchen.
• Never place anything over an incandescent bulb. A favorite trick to create holiday "mood" is to drape a colored cloth over light bulbs, but this can backfire and create a smoky hazard. Be careful around incandescent bulbs, which give off heat, or better yet switch to low-heat LED bulbs.
Milholland Electric wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
About Milholland Electric:
Milholland Electric is one of the leading San Diego solar power companies and also offers installation and repair of traditional electric systems. For quality San Diego solar power installation, repair and maintenance as well as traditional electric wiring help, San Diego residents turn to the professionals at Milholland Electric.
Milholland Electric Inc
9169 Chesapeake Dr.
San Diego, CA 92123