The study and science of holistic medicine is fast gaining traction within mainstream medical practices as certain therapies have been seen to be very effective and helpful for certain ailments and problems. Many dental patients are seeking non-traditional relief and therapies with innovative and helpful holistic therapies.
John Char is a practitioner of the holistic arts and a board certified dentist in Oahu, Hawaii. He is a certified holistic doctor, a licensed massage therapist and author. He is a pioneer in holistic medicine with standard dental care in Hawaii.
“As a dentist, I seek the best and safest treatments for the patient,” said Dr. Char, “and while stationed in Germany, I had the opportunity to mentor under Dr. Reinhold Voll. He is the creator of EAV therapy.
Electro-Acupuncture by Voll or EAV is a particular holistic therapy incorporates acupuncture with electrical currents. These specific currents are then calibrated to the patient’s particular needs and issues. The result can be very effective for the patient along with minimal, if any, discomfort.
“Many fear the dentist because of past trauma or pain. The holistic approach sets many at ease. This, along with my other specialized training, creates a calming sense to my patients and their dental care,” said Dr. Char.
Char, along with the permission and blessing of Dr. Voll, penned a book in 1980 about the EAV technique. The book, now a standard for holistic dentistry, is available in hardcover and is also available in softcover from
It is no secret that good dental health and hygiene are necessary for overall health. Poor dental and gum care can lead to a variety of health problems including hypertension, sinus infections and acid reflux disease. Dr. Char’s book on EAV and dental care is a complete look at using both traditional dental medicine and EAV holistic care for the patient.
“The field of dental care has made considerable leaps and bounds in technologies and advancements. The role of EAV, however, has changed little. This means the book is just as valid today as it was when I first penned it,” said Dr. Char.
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. , had this to say about Dr. Char’s work, “Thirty years after his books were published, the information is still fresh, full of valuable informations and truly covers broad spectrum of what you may call it, Holistic Dentistry.”
Used extensively by health professionals in both dental and holistic healing, the book is a standard for anyone with a vested interest in either field.
“Anyone who has an interest in holistic care for their own or family’s dental health would do well to read this book. Topics include pain, discomfort, swelling and general dental issues,” said Dr. Char.
Interested individuals can find the book in hardcover or softcover with additional information, a quick look inside and more.
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John K. Char Holistic Wellness Center