WritingCareer.com has launched a special, on-going editorial feature to help poets find publishers who are paying for poetry and currently seeking submissions. The new section, Poetry – Call for Submissions , rounds up recently reported announcements of new and established poetry markets that are in need of poetry.
Most poets, both emerging and experienced poets, have tremendous difficulty finding reputable markets for their literary material. Oftentimes poets don’t know where to look or which publishers are paying. Poets face other problems too: many journals and publications have time-sensitive reading periods and don’t accept submissions year-round. Additionally, some publishers charge the dreaded “reading fee”–a small processing fee just to submit poetry to the publication.
It’s a common fact that professional poetry writers typically do not earn full-time incomes from selling poetry to publications; rather, they dabble in poetry for creative expression and as a labor of love. It’s also a common fact that these same writers don’t want the burden of paying a fee just to submit their work for consideration.
Staff researcher Brian Scott, who is in charge of the new feature, lists only publishers who are open for submissions, pay standard or competitive rates for poetry, and do not charge reading fees.
In addition to journals and magazines that solicit poetry, Scott also lists single-print anthologies, special themed-issues, websites and e-zines, and fully-funded Kickstarter projects–all of which pay poets for their labor of love.
In the last two months WritingCareer.com has provided more than 100 freshly researched paying literary markets for fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The website, re-launched in 2013 by FreelanceWriting.com , helps freelance creative writers and poets find reputable editorial opportunities and keep abreast of industry news.
Contact info:
Brian Scott, Director
1818 Hwy 17, Myrtle Beach SC 29578
P: 201-447-0141
E-mail: busyentrepreneur (at) yahoo (dot) com
Website: http://writingcareer.com/
Facebook: http://www.Facebook4Freelancers.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/busyguru