Louisville – The newest title by Karl F. Hollenbach, Mansions Of The Moon, has been published by Books, Authors, and Artists (BAA) this month. It is available to buy through Amazon as an ebook and paperback. As a paperback, Mansions Of The Moon is in Amazon’s Matchbook program, which allows a paperback purchaser to buy the ebook at a greatly reduced price.
Mansions Of The Moon explores the significance of the number twenty-eight in cultures from across the world. With over twenty years of research, Karl F. Hollenbach presents this work with charts and illustrations with examples from literature, architecture, and myths from places as far apart as Europe, the Middle-East, and the Americas.
This title is a revised edition of Hollenbach’s Ericius. As well as the original content, Mansions Of The Moon offers additional research and examples not published in the previous volume.
Ms Gay, Publicist for BAA, further explained the best-selling and prize winning author, “Karl F. Hollenbach recently received a Finalist Award in the Readers’ Favorite Awards 2013, with his children’s fiction title, A Journey To The Four Kingdoms. He is now working on two new titles, Francis Rosicross and Holy Ground, both to be published by BAA.”
About Books, Authors, and Artists
Books, Authors, And Artists is the publishing division of internet marketing KY, LLC. It specializes in book publication by enhancing the public awareness of selected authors, both new and previously published. Additionally, visual artists who participate by creating graphics and artwork are featured.
For more information, please contact Astrid Gay, book publicist, via email at astrid@booksauthorsandartists.com . You can also visit the website at http://www.BooksAuthorsAndArtists.com
Astrid Gay
Books, Authors, and Artists
Louisville, KY 40204, USA