PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. -- The final chapter in the Walk the Plank & Get Bit story line. Our stupid pirate trilogy ends by diving down the deepest w/out drowning!
This is the final chapter in our "Get Bit Trilogy". Never heard of Get Bit? It was designed by Dave Chalker and won the 2012 Origins Award for Best Family, Party or Children’s Game. Now comes the sequel to Get Bit. In Hold Your Breath you play the pirates getting pushed off the ship into the water, in Get Bit we find the pirates swimming away from a shark in the open ocean. Hold Your Breath features the same great artwork by Mike Groves (http://poopbird.com/), the popular tattoo artist who did the art for Walk the Plank (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/150925/hold-your-breath-card-game), but by designers Christopher Urinko and Daniel Jenkins.
While Hold Your Breath! (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/150925/hold-your-b...) is the final Chapter in the "Get Bit Trilogy", it is its own unique game and doesn't require any prior knowledge of Get Bit or Walk the Plank to play. It stands on its own merits and has a different mechanic than either of the prior two games. You play as a pirate treading water in the ocean. A very stupid pirate. You have decided to play a game with the surviving members of the crew to see which of you can Hold Your Breath the longest.
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