STOCKPORT, U.K. -- The Dental Playbox project that was developed and launched by Cheshire-based national children’s charity Action for Sick Children has been endorsed by the Patient Experience team at NHS England.
Head of the team, Kath Evans said: “I was thrilled to see Action for Sick Children’s dental playbox scheme and hear about the difference it is making in improving the dental health of young children by engaging them through play.
“The resources are clearly evidenced based from a dental perspective and are developmentally appropriate. I was encouraged to see that the learning outcomes have been mapped against the national curriculum which will ensure support from head teachers across the country.”
Mrs Evans added: “The engagement of the University of Salford in evaluating the impact of the interventions ensures robust credibility, accessing 203 educational organisations and reaching 7,240 children is a significant achievement and must be congratulated.”
She said she was also ‘heartened to hear’ that local authorities such as Kent have purchased the Dental Play Resource Packs for their own local use.”
Action for Sick Children’s chairman Pamela Barnes, speaking from the charity’s Stockport HQ said: “I am absolutely delighted with the comments from Kath Evans of NHS England, the public body which oversees the operation of the NHS in England. Her kind words come at a time when we are doing our best to roll out the Dental Playbox initiative far and wide.
“Poor oral hygiene can have a very detrimental impact on general health and that’s why we decided to try to educate youngsters in the basics via this fun and child friendly game. The Dental Playbox uses child-friendly tactics and a box of fun items which enable the youngsters to understand the importance of good oral hygiene.”
“This endorsement from NHS England will hopefully help us take the Dental Playbox message to as many people as possible because the dental health surveys we keep hearing suggest oral hygiene is not what it should be.”
A recent report that found a quarter of five year olds in England have tooth decay, has underlined the importance of Action for Sick Children’s Dental Playbox Campaign, added Mrs Barnes.
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Carl Nagaitis
01606 558730