Advanced Hearing Systems Supports Non-Profit Hearing Groups

Virginia Beach, Virginia — Advanced Hearing Systems is the Virginia Beach area’s premiere supplier of digital hearing aids and invisible hearing aids, but selling hearing appliances is not all that Advanced Hearing Systems does. In fact, besides selling the best hearing aid devices and conducting hearing aids comparisons for clients, Advanced Hearing Systems, located on the web at , is also a strong advocate of non-profit hearing groups such as the Hearing Loss Association of America.

The HLAA is a resource for those with hearing loss and regularly sponsors fundraisers to help hearing loss research. This week, the HLAA will be sponsoring “Jacob’s Ride” in Annapolis, Maryland. This event coincides with the return of Jacob Landis from his cross-country bike ride to raise awareness for those who need cochlear implants. Jacob, deaf by age 10, received his own implant and determined to help others who could benefit from this treatment. He vowed to cycle to every major league baseball stadium over the last six months, and will be returning on October 2 to Annapolis. Advanced Hearing Systems is proud to join the HLAA in welcoming Jacob home from his triumphant mission.

Advanced Hearing Systems offers a wide variety of treatment options for the hard of hearing, including behind the ear hearing aids from several top hearing aid manufacturers. While many customers may think that ordering hearing aids online results in low cost hearing aids, a hearing aid comparison by Advanced Hearing Systems will quickly show that choosing between a digital hearing aid, in the ear hearing aids, open fit hearing aids or other types requires some guidance in order to be successful. Advanced Hearing Systems can offer free hearing aid comparisons so that those who are considering a purchase can compare hearing aids and choose the right one for their needs.

About Advanced Hearing Systems:

With many years of experience in helping those who need hearing aid assistance, Advanced Hearing Systems is able to advise those who need help with hearing loss and find the right device to meet their needs. With the help of the friendly professionals at Advanced Hearing Systems, those who need hearing aid assistance can find the right model and type to provide quality hearing enhancement.

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