NEWTON ABBOT, U.K. -- Are you mum who has a lot to do around the house while everyone is out and about and you are left with the baby? It is a truth that a baby the earlier he or she is in the infancy stage can be much a handful and never a doodle. You can just have them sleep when you want to, they set their own schedule.
And so for this, you would want to free your baby off your arms and get on to cooking for lunch. That can only happen when they finally decide to get a rest. And by that time you will already be tired to do more chores.
What you need is something that will let you do both chores at the same time. Finally, Red Kite has released Baby Go Round, a unisex baby walker that will surely solve all mums’ household chores hassle. With its sleek design and practical features, there is nothing else to look for.
The first thought that would come to mind is your baby’s comfort. A walker should not be just a support to help your baby stand because they are actually sitting on it. Red kite’s baby walker has foam on its seat designed solely to keep your baby snugged and happy.
To add to that, these pads are non-friction which means there is less for you to worry about. The seat also has an ample support whether your baby wants to stand or sit. And so playtime will not be very much of a tire for him or her.
Our babies as they are can be messy most of the time. Their walker will be their company during play time and even in play time. But you don’t need to worry about that, because the experts at Red Kite included an easy-to-clean tray on its baby walker.
Infancy is the period where our babies start to learn through trying to get a hand on everything that they see. Red Kite Baby Go Round also has stimulating toys attached to the baby walker to encourage learning and at the same time a blissful playtime. And beyond that, your angel can just run around safely in the house to check out everything he or she sees.
Red Kite’s Baby Walker is suitable from birth until your babies learn to walk on their own no matter how fast they grow. The Baby Go Round has a multi-height adjustment to all babies of all sizes. Red Kite truly hasn’t missed on the important details.
When the day is over and your angel is set for bedtime, Red Kite Baby walker can be folded for storage. Or if you need to travel somewhere and you can’t leave the walker behind, its foldable feature is one good idea to save space. It is also not that heavy to carry around.
Red Kite experts had you and your baby when they thought over its practicality and comfort. Its new Baby Walker features takes away the hassle and will no longer make your regular baby-sitting a choir but all the more an enjoyable playtime and more free time for you.
View samples of Red Kite Baby Walker here -
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