The principal classification of the important pressure measuring device-vacuum gauge

Russia - The vacuum gauge could be used for measuring the pressure of solidify liquid, gas or steam medium which could not has the corrosion effect for steel, copper and copper alloy and no danger of explosion. This kind of device is the outcome of the development of upgrading technology. The development of the vacuum gauge has largely improve the measuring accuracy and stability of this device. Performance of the vacuum gauge is much better than the traditional pressure gauge. However, the sort of the vacuum gauge could be divided into some categories. Today, the excellent manufacturer for vacuum gauge which website is would tell people mainly types of the vacuum gauge.

All of the information below is the category of vacuum gauge in the industrial area. The vacuum gauge is the pressure measurement device which has been on basis of the fixed atmosphere pressure value. This kind of device could be used for measuring the pressure of liquid, gas and other substance which is greater or less than the value of atmospheric pressure. It is very useful in factor and other industrial enterprises.

The first kind of vacuum gauge should be the anti-shocking vacuum pressure gauge. The anti-shocking vacuum gaugechina Home gauge is regarded as a classification for vibration and pressure fluctuations. This kind of instrument could be used for the measurement of vacuum of the liquid, gas and other medium which is non-corrosive and non- crystalline.

The second type of the vacuum gauge should be the electric contact vacuum pressure gauge. This pressure gauge could be applied for the measuring to pressure of the liquid and gas which does not have the corrosion effect for the copper and copper alloy. On the other hand, the requirement for the liquid should be non-explosive, non-crystalline and non- freezing.

The third type of the vacuum gauge is the stainless steel vacuum pressure. This kind of vacuum gauge should be made use of by people for measuring to liquid and gas which could not cauterize the stainless steel. However, the liquid and gas should be better corrosion-free. On the other hand, people should know that all of the vacuum gauges which had been made of stainless steel have strong corrosion resistance ability than the pressure gauge which had been made of other metal material.

The last type of the vacuum gauge should be the anti-acid vacuum pressure gauge which pressure gauges could be used for measuring the pressure value of the nitric acid and alkali liquid medium.

From the above description, people should have fully understanding about the sort of vacuum gauge. If people want to have more information such as price and specification of the vacuum gauge, the website should be their best choice.

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