Electronic cigarettes are a hot product at the moment with the possible regulation measures proposed by officials. To help determine whether or not a particular electronic cigarette is right for your needs, users typically look for comprehensive reviews. This is the case in the Volcano E-Cig review published recently by eCig Vision. According to the review, Volcano E-Cig is a distributor of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids that was founded less than four years ago in Hawaii. The review proceeds into e-cigarette starter kits currently offered by the company.
eCig Vision’s review then shifts to focus solely on the Volcano Inferno Starter kit that includes 2 batteries, a mini USB cable, wall adapter, tube tank setup, 5 cartomizers, 1 tube sock and a 15mL bottle of e-liquid. These features place this kit in the same price range as starts offered by V2 Cigs and Green Smoke.
The Volcano E Cig review then addresses the aesthetics of the Inferno Starter as arriving neatly in a black cardboard container with separate compartments for the various contents. Laura Brandel, the writer of the review describes assembled Volcano electronic cigarette device as well designed with a premium appearance and price tag.
Next, the review touches on what most potential buyers are likely interested in reading, how the e-cig vapes and the quality of its flavors. Brandel mentions how the e-cigarette retailer sells e-liquids in 15 different flavors and 4 nicotine strengths. She then mentions how new users are encouraged to try Volcano’s more traditional tobacco flavors before more unconventional flavors such as grape and coffee. The Volcano e-cigarette review then plows forward into a discussion of the technical features in the Inferno Starter. The kit features a manual battery that requires users to press a button when they vape to control battery usage.
Overall, Brandel’s Volcano electronic cigarette review is in favor of their starter kit with mediocre vapor production mentioned as a weak point. Visit eCig Vision for more information.
Laura Brandel
eCig Vision
Colorado, US