Electronic cigarette coupon website, eCig Deals has recently announced their 10% Off Green Smoke discount code for products purchased directly from the distributor. Although Green Smoke has not gained much prominence in the UK, the company is well-known in the US with its founding in the state of Florida.
In addition to the 10% off discount code, the webpage also features a brief review about the e-cigarette company and its offerings. GreenSmoke has decided to abandon the 3-piece cigarette system for the 2-piece device, consisting only of a cartomiser and battery. Three starter kits are currently offered by the e-cig giant, which include: the Love Birds, Express and Pro kits. Since the Express Kit is likely to appeal to the majority of users, the review focuses on it.
The Green Smoke discount code does apply to the Express Kit, giving buyers 10% off, which can be applied on top of ongoing special prices. The kit comes packed with: 1x battery, 5x cartomisers, 1x USB e-cigarette, 1 mains charger and a carrying case. Unfortunately for users, the carrying case is not a charging case so those that vape frequently are encouraged to purchase an additional battery. The appearance of the Express Kit was reviewed rather favorably while the lack of a PCC was noted several times. A carrying case that’s not a charging case is rather disappointing in this price range, especially when the kit comes with a single portable (not dedicated USB) battery.
eCig Deals is an online deal website that was founded in 2013 by a former tobacco cigarette smoker by the name of Brian Logan . Logan managed to kick his longtime habit of chain smoking after buying his first electronic cigarette starter kit. While purchasing online, he noticed the lack of coupons for e-cigarette users and decided to launch his website to help others save a few quid on their next purchase.
Brian Logan
eCig Deals
Edinburgh, Scotland