Century Restoration and Renovation Ltd. Receive RenoMark Certification

Richmond Hill, Ontario – For homeowners looking to change something in their home, when the decision is made to restore part of their house or renovate a specific area of the home, the challenge is not in creating a plan or figuring out which part of the house to renovate; the challenge is in finding a certified and reputable contractor who is able to complete the job on time, on budget, and complete the job well. With that in mind, Century Restoration and Renovation Ltd has announced that it was allowed to become a member of “BILD” (The Building Industry and Land Development Association) which, as a Renovator, gives them all of the advantages as well as all of the obligations of receiving this “RenoMark” Certification. This means that Century Restoration and Renovation Ltd has undertaken to abide by the RenoMark Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct and as such will be held in a higher standard that will set their company apart from the competition.

Century Restoration and Renovation Ltd provides dependable service with over 25 years of experience in the industry. They have turned dreams to reality, one dream at a time, which has made it possible for them to garner a long list of satisfied clients in the GTA and surrounding areas such as Aurora, Brampton, Stouffville, Markham, Thornhill, Richmond Hill and Newmarket.  As members of “RenoMark”, Century Restoration and Renovation Ltd, as per their spokesperson, Jason Shapiro, “We are displaying our deep commitment in continuing to keep our high levels of performance and customer satisfaction. This will help our clients take comfort that they are choosing an ethical contractor held to the highest standards,” says Shapiro.


Century Restoration and Renovation Ltd. provides both Exterior and Interior renovations in the Toronto Area. They provide everything from quick fixes around the house or major property renovations. For more information about Century Restoration and Renovation Ltd and to see their list of services and photos of past projects, go to http://centuryrenos.com or call 1-800-417-7517.

  • Issue by:Jacob Willam
  • Web:http://centuryrenos.com
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