Free Social Media Marketing Strategy Lessons By InixMedia

Now InixMedia is offering free social media marketing strategy instruction to anyone seeking to learn more about using the most effective online marketing venue available today. The lessons offered are complete and comprehensive, and teach exactly what InixMedia does when providing social media marketing services to clients.

The purpose of making information available for a service that the company normally undertakes for a fee is two fold. The company wishes to offer something of significant value free to attract attention to InixMedia. Secondly, it’s InixMedia’s intention to share its knowledge in an important area of Internet marketing to make public just how extensive the company’s knowledge is. With a greater number of people aware of the company, and able to appreciate the level of expertise InixMedia possesses, it’s expected new clients will partake of the company’s many other services.

Those signing up for the free social media marketing strategy lessons will learn to develop a search engine optimization plan for their blog or website. SEO is a vital component of any Internet marketing strategy. The deep insight into SEO is followed by instruction in how to develop a social media marketing plan that will be successful. The focus of the instruction is on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked In, YouTube, and Pinterest, but it applicable for any social media site.

Included too is instruction as to how to conduct keyword research, avoiding penalization by Google search algorithms, the implementation and maintenance of social media marketing plans, and much more. This is a comprehensive, tutorial format set of instructions that were they offered in eBooks, webinars, or tutorials by anyone other than InixMedia would cost tens, even hundreds of dollars.

For more information visit this link: Free Social Media Marketing Plan


InixMedia is a web design company that focuses on clients’ success. The company adds new service to meet high demand from its clients. InixMedia is offering high-quality social media marketing and management service to small business owners who need fresh leads from social media websites. Check out Social Media Management for more info.

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Address: PO BOX 2, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

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