Tired of the Rat Race and ready to strike out on your own? Are you looking for a work from home solution that will be rewarding and fulfilling? Want to be your own boss? If these questions intrigue you, it may be time to consider some great work from home ideas like being a mobile dog groomer.
A mobile pet grooming business is a great way to work from home yet still be able to get out into the public. While the necessity of a certified groomer is certainly helpful, it is not necessary to start a business. The certification will allow a higher degree of credibility for the business, so it may be something to consider once the business is underway.
Once started, a van is preferable to a car because of the number of tools necessary for proper grooming of dogs. Tools like shears and hair dryers need electricity, so a portable generator is helpful and difficult to carry in a standard car. A van will also have places to tie leashes to hold dogs still during the bathing process or while expressing anal glands, an important service offered by many groomers.
“Large cities really benefit from this sort of service. If you can arrange clients in a certain area during certain times of the week or month, you will be able to really generate good money and minimize expenses,” said Sandy McQueen of McQueenathome.com.
One thing that can really help boost your service is offering tie-ins like grooming supplies, outfits and the like. These take up very little space and have a high profit margin as well.
“Most people love to give their pets a bit of flair. Nice collars, bows and the like go a long way with pet owners,” said McQueen.
Learn more about this job possibility here .
If you are interested in learning more about what Sandy has to say concerning work from home ideas and her other suggestions, visit her website at www.mcqueenathome.com
For More Information
Sandy McQueen, site owner
Avon, IN 46123