Mode Dog is an online dog boutique that presents hand crafted dog collars, leashes and dog accessories at affordable prices. Mode Dog features custom made and martingale dog collars, nylon leashes and a variety of dog accessories that help bolster the appearance of the collars and leashes.
Mode Dog offers a series of fancy and martingale dog collars that are hand crafted and made for each order. The collars themselves are made from comfortable leather and durable fabrics such as nylon. The collars come in a number of designs, colors and styles and are custom make to fit the dog comfortably. Each collar comes with a durable attachment ring that is designed to fit the dog leashes. The delivery time is usually less than 10 business days once the order is placed.
The dog leashes sold by are also created from durable materials such as nylon. Many of the leashes are designed to go with the dog collars themselves, which means that they share the style, color and overall fashion sense of the collars. Each dog leash comes with a quick-release clasp designed to work with the collar ring.
Mode Dog also sells a number of accessory items that can be added to the fancy dog collars . There are a number of patterns and designs, such as flowers that can be attached to the collars to achieve that special look. For more information on Mode Dog and the products they offer, visit
Lauren Schmitt
Mode Dog
Aliso Viejo, CA, USA