E-CIG HUB Announces New Lifestyle Cigarettes Review

A new Lifestyle cigarettes review is now available on E-CIG HUB. Lifestyle is one of the newer electronic cigarette companies that is now offering an alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. The review covers a number of aspects about the Lifestyle e-cig that includes the line of products, starter kits, prices and overall performance.

The Lifestyle electronic cigarette has the size, color and appearance of a traditional tobacco cigarette, but it does not contain tobacco or any of the carcinogens associated with tobacco. Instead, the Lifestyle e-cig consists of a battery, heating element and flavor liquid all contained inside a cartomizer. When the smoker inhales on the end of the cartomizer, the heating element changes the flavor liquid into water vapor which is then drawn into the lungs. Because there are no carcinogens present, the Lifestyle e-cig is permitted to be used in public areas.

The LifeStyle Cigarettes products include different types of starter kits that generally include cartomizers and a recharging unit. Plus, there are different types of flavor liquid that can then be reordered from the company. The amount of nicotine in the flavor liquid can be altered to fit the needs of the smoker. Many Lifestyle customers use the electronic cigarettes as an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes and some of them even dial down the amount of nicotine so they can quit smoking altogether.

The review includes all pertinent aspects of the Lifestyle electronic cigarette and is designed to give readers the best information about the product. For more information about the Lifestyle e-cig review , visit E-CIG HUB.

Elizabeth Morgan
London, United Kingdom

  • Issue by:Elizabeth Morgan
  • Web:http://www.ecighub.co.uk
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