Green Smoke, an electronic cigarette company, is now offering 10% off the purchase price of any of their starting kits. Green Smoke is one of the most popular electronic cigarette companies in the market today. Green Smoke offers an alternative to traditional tobacco smoking by using an electronic cigarette.
The electronic cigarettes offered by Green Smoke contain no tobacco products and none of the carcinogens present in tobacco either. A Green Smoke e-cig has the size, coloring and shape of a traditional tobacco cigarette. Inside the e-cig is a battery, heating element and flavor liquid that contains nicotine. When the smoker draws in on the Green Smoke, the heating element turns the flavor liquid into water vapor which is then absorbed into the lungs. Because there are no tobacco elements present, Green Smoke cigarettes are allowed to be use in most public places.
Green Smoke offers their electronic cigarettes in a variety of starter kits that generally contain a number of cartomizers, rechargeable battery, and recharging unit. The 10% off Green Smoke discount that is offered may apply to any of the Green Smoke starting kits. The Green Smoke e-cig is designed to be an alternative to tobacco smoking that is substantially different than a normal cigarette while still providing the nicotine. Plus, the amount of nicotine in the Green Smoke flavor liquids can be reduced over time to allow a smoker to even possibly kick the habit on their own terms. For more information about the 10% discount and other Greensmoke coupons visit E-CIG Ready.
Jennifer Laughlin
Hollywood, CA