SM Swag Announces Service to Buy YouTube Views

The website Social Media Swag is now offering packages of YouTube views that can be purchased. YouTube views represent the number of people who watch a particular video on YouTube. The more views means the more people who watched and the higher the ranking of the video on YouTube. Social Media Swag now offers a method of boosting YouTube views quickly through a single purchase.

Studies have shown that many people are less likely to watch a YouTube video , especially one from a source they don’t know, if the video have very few “views”. This means that in order to attract a larger audience, the video itself must have a considerable number of views already. This “Catch-22” situation can be difficult for small online businesses to build up YouTube views, especially without having the outside resources for extensive promotion.

Social Media Swag offers packages of YouTube views that can jump start the popularity of a video and overcome this Catch-22 situation. Currently, there are four packages available from Social Media Swag all of which allow users to buy more YouTube views with ease;

- Watched: 15,000 views for $19.95
- Popular: 30,000 views for $29.95
- Famous: 45,000 views for $34.95
- Ultimate: 60,000 views for $39.95

Each of these packages come with a money back guarantee and can be delivered in five, six or seven business days respectively. Plus, larger packages are also available to help bolster the views of a particular YouTube video.

For more information on purchasing YouTube views visit

Steve Donahue
SM Swag
Newport Beach, CA, USA

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