A new 10% Smoke Relief discount is being offered on Smoke Relief electronic cigarette products that are purchased in amounts of £25 or more. The Smoke Relief is billed as “America’s #1 e-Cigarette” and it is certainly one of the more popular electronic cigarettes in the US today.
The Smoke Relief eCig is designed as an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. The Smoke Relief electronic cigarette has roughly the same size, shape and coloring of a traditional cigarette, but it does not contain any tobacco or the carcinogens associated with tobacco products. Instead, the Smoke Relief contains flavor liquid with nicotine, a battery and heating element all located inside the cartomizer. When the smoker draws in on the Smoke Relief cartomizer, the heating element turns the flavor liquid into water vapor which is then absorbed into the lungs. Because there are no tobacco elements being used, the Smoke Relief and other e-cigs have been approved to be used in some public places. Furthermore, SmokeRelief is designed to be a unique alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. Plus, the amount of nicotine in the flavor liquid can be reduced in future purchases so that smokers can possibly have the ability to quit on their own terms.
The Smoke Relief e-cig products include starting kits which consist of a number of cartomizers and recharging unit along with additional accessories depending on the price. The 10% discount on purchases of £25 or more includes any combination of purchasing accessories or starter kits. For more information about the 10% off Smokerelief discount code being offered on Smoke Relief e-cig products, visit E-CIG HUB.
Elizabeth Morgan
London, United Kingdom