There are some part-time jobs that are the best small business ideas . Ask any homeowner, and likely they will agree cleaning is one aspect of home ownership they dislike. Blinds and windows especially are difficult – a perfect part-time job solution for the right person.
“Venetian blinds are popular because they are attractive and functional, until they need cleaning,” said Sandy McQueen of
Venetian blinds are popular because of their relative ease of use. The cleaning is so specialized many would rather pay someone to do it for them.
Establishing the business will mean necessary training. There is very little room for mistakes or error; proper training is vital before starting this job.
“The public wants their blinds cleaned. There is little room for error in this career,” said McQueen.
Startup costs can be expensive because of the equipment necessary. A business plan to take to a bank or lending institution would be ideal. Tips for this are available at McQueen’s site.
“There is a very high income potential for this career,” said McQueen, “and those who are serious can start part time and quickly move to full time.”
Two keys to success in this job are marketing and service. Marketing is as simple as signage on a vehicle and word of mouth between customers.
“One other thing is learning to set yourself apart,” said McQueen.
Tips on this important skill are included on the website as well. Visit here to learn more.
If you are interested in learning more about the best small business ideas or what Sandy has to say about starting a small business and her other suggestions and solutions for working from home, visit her website at
For More Information:
Sandy McQueen, site owner
Avon, IN 46123