Lugano, Switzerland — Italian clothing companies are notoriously difficult to deal with online. Many of the smaller, and highly desirable designers, put barriers in place that make it hard for international customers to shop at their stores online, including sites that are only in Italian, the inability to process international credit card payments and a refusal to ship outside of Italy. For consumers this has long meant that they could not get the clothing that they want from these companies, but You Shop Italy has found a solution.
At consumers can register for the You Shop Italy service, which will enable them to purchase whatever they want from Italian clothing retailers. After registering with , consumers are prompted to install a browser add-on that collects the information about purchases the customer wishes to make. Rather than the customer trying to make the purchase on their own and running into the international sales barriers, customers are able to use You Shop Italy as their agent for all of their purchases. You Shop Italy buys the items on behalf of the consumer and stores the items as well. The items are shipped to the You Shop Italy storage facility, where they are held for free for up to thirty days. All of the payments to You Shop Italy can be made with international credit cards and international funds, and they are able to ship to over 250 countries throughout the world.
By acting as a consumer agent, You Shop Italy ensures that the international sales barriers are not a problem for consumers. The interface at is very easy to use, and from the site consumers can shop for either specific items or shop for the items that they want by the designer. There are links to all of the major designers, including Dolce e Gabbana and Versace. With the storage feature, consumers can buy from multiple designers, have all of their items sent to a single place and shipped all at once. For consumers this can mean dramatic savings on international shipping costs, driving down the total expense of getting the best clothing that Italy’s designers have to offer.
With their innovative approach and the ease of use, consumers will soon be flocking to for their purchases of Italian clothing. This is a solid business model that benefits everyone involved.
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