Miami, FL – The secret is out, there is a growing and vibrant population of social media users. Whether it’s informing customers about promotions, reaching out to new clientele, or advertising business accomplishments, social media is an excellent resource for any business – small, medium or large. But companies cannot wait for social media users to discover them and start sharing their brand. Websites must actively promote the use of social media within a brand in order to take full advantage of the power of social interaction and sharing.
Jaime Paredes, principal of South Beach Web Design Miami says, “The easiest way to do this is to embed social media into a well-designed, thoughtful website – best place for this is top navigation of every page. When designing a business website, the content is still the most important consideration. However, creating seamless transitions between product content and the opportunity to utilize social media to share that message will go a long way to market your brand. When developing product or service information to be featured on your website, consider ways to engage social media users in that content and encourage them to distribute it.”
Mr. Paredes also gave out a few helpful points for web designers and newbie online marketers:
• Ensure that social media buttons are visible.
If a visitor to your website isn’t aware that sharing content is an option, then you won’t be able to take advantage of social media. Make social media buttons visible, creative, and even memorable.
Integrating buttons into a unique design or incorporating them into a specific call to action are great ways to make the buttons stand out to viewers. If viewers immediately know that they have the option to share content via social media, especially if they find the method entertaining or engaging, they’ll be more likely to utilize it.
• Continually update social media buttons.
Social media changes constantly and so does website content. Making sure that social media buttons are up-to-date is crucial to maintaining a working social media campaign on your website. Conduct daily checks to verify whether buttons work and content is accurate.
• Make it easy to “share” content.
Provide the opportunity for users to share content integrated in your web design. Share buttons are especially useful for newsworthy content, promotions, and daily deals. Let social media users do the hard work of distributing marketing content with the simple addition of share buttons to your website.
• Avoid share buttons where there is nothing to share.
Do not clutter your website with social media buttons, especially share buttons. There is important content on your website that does not lend itself to sharing. Do not add share buttons haphazardly. Make sure that share buttons are embedded in content that is worthy of distributing in this medium.
• Add Facebook comments
Facebook comments validate the identity of users and encourage them to update information they post as people respond to their comments. Adding this feature to your website can provide the potential for discussion, revision, and wide distribution of your message.
• Use Google Analytics
Understanding how social media users are utilizing your buttons will give you the best perspective on how to improve your website design. Taking advantage of Google Analytics is an easy way to get information about how this marketing tool is used on your website. That information can then be used to change content, add tools, and design campaigns.
South Beach Web Design Miami specializes in website development, integration, PPC, social media, search engine optimization and more. They are one of the top SEO Miami agencies today. Visit their website for more information at
Name: South Beach Web Marketing
Media Contact Name: Jaime Paredes
Phone: 305.972.3474