Vancouver, BC - The New York Times on Kindle is dedicated to providing news coverage of exceptional depth and breadth, as well as opinion that is thoughtful and stimulating. Widely quoted, and often hotly debated, The New York Times is held by its readers to the highest of standards and continues to be regarded by many as the nation's pre-eminent newspaper. The New York Times has earned an unprecedented 94 Pulitzer Prizes, far more than any other newspaper. A global news staff covers a wide range of interests: from world, national and New York issues to business, culture, science, religion, travel, style, food, sports, health and home. In addition to outside contributors, the editorials page features The New York Times' own team of award-winning columnists: David Brooks, Maureen Dowd, Thomas L. Friedman, Bob Herbert, Nicholas D. Kristof, Paul Krugman, Frank Rich and John Tierney.
The Kindle Edition of The New York Times contains articles found in the print edition, but will not include some images and tables. Also, some features such as the crossword puzzle, box scores and classifieds are not currently available. For your convenience, issues are automatically delivered wirelessly to your Kindle at 5:00 AM on the weekdays and 5:30 AM on weekends New York City local time.
“Why pay $35 a month for a six-day subscription to the print edition? The Kindle edition only expense $19.99 a month.” said Jim Washington, a seasoned E-commerce expert in North America.
“And, print subscribers to The New York Times get a free All Digital Access subscription.” added Jim. This package includes free, unlimited access to on any device, plus the full range of NYTimes apps for your smartphone (iPhone, Windows Phone, Android-powered phones), your tablet (iPad and Android-powered tablets) and your computer (Times Reader 2.0 and the NYTimes App for the Chrome Web Store). Print subscribers also have the ability to share All Digital Access with a family member.
You can cancel your subscription at any time. When you cancel, they will stop charging your account the following billing cycle. Each billing cycle is four weeks, so your unlimited access will continue for the remainder of the current four-week period. Afterward, you will still be able to view 10 articles a month on and read 3 articles a day on our apps at no charge, just like any other visitor.
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Jim Washington