Softswitch is one of the most popular and reputed products of this company. This is such a tool which will help you a lot for your business purpose. The traditional call switching method has a lot of handicaps and limitations. But in this IXC softswitch, these handicaps and limitations are avoided for better user experience.
Recently IXC has released the newest version of their softswitch. That is known as the IXC softswitch V5 . It is the best class 4 softswitch in many aspects. It came up with a lot of new things and features that were unavailable in previous versions of softswitch. In the previous version, there were quite a few problems and limitations. But in the new version, that means IXC softswitch V5, these problems do not exist. The most notable things which are available in the new softswitch version from IXC are: Web Configuration, Autotester, Bug Fix and Billing.
The new web configuration system is better on many aspects. It has been newly optimized and made quicker for operating with. The configuration of originators is now a lot easier as well as convenient. The CPU’s graph and active calls are shown in a proper way for all the Softswitches inside clusters. And most importantly, the call-id field has been added to the CDR templates.
The Autotester function is newly optimized as well. It has been added with new stuff according to the demands of the users. A new flexible configuration on the multiple calls has been added. Moreover, all the procedures of Autotester are accessible via API along with Fax calls.
The bugs can create various acute problems to the Softswitches. There were a few bugs in the previous IXC softswitch versions. In the IXC softswitch V5, a bug has been fixed inside one core of the softswitch. This bug could lead the softswitch to crashes. Some more bugs were also fixed. A bug has been fixed also which caused incorrect billing by receiving wrong invitation messages. As IXC Softswitch is free from those bugs now, it will work a lot better for the users.
Possibly the billing section is the most improved in new version. The updated call cost service is added on it and it can enable recalculation of the calls with wrong costing. The feature of call path is also linked with all the necessary fields. The invoices have also become quite easier because the generation utility of invoices is able to work way faster than before. Moreover, many SIP messages are now being parsed by IXC softswitch V5. If you have older devices to work with, this tool is quite important. So, you should prefer this version over other class 4 softswitch solutions .
All in all, this is a must tool to use. If you want to have some more information about IXC softswitch V5, then you can always visit