Laura Brandel of eCig Vision has written her take on V2 Cigs electronic cigarette starter kits. V2 Cigs is based out of Miami, Florida and is a retailer of electronic cigarettes and accessories. According to Ms. Brandel’s V2 Cigs reviews , V2 Cigs is one of the largest e-cigarette companies in the U.S. commanding a good share of the market. Notable big name competitors in the e-cig industry include Lorillard-owned Blu Cigs, NJOY and Green Smoke with smaller companies on the rise.
The V2 Cig review points out that there are two kits currently offered by the e-cig giant: the Standard and Ultimate starter kits. The Standard includes: a manual battery, automatic battery, 10 cartomizers, USB adapter, and wall charger; while the Ultimate adds to this list: 15 additional cartomizers, USB battery, additional battery, car charger, lanyard, metal carry case, and on-the-go charger. It’s clear from what’s included in each kit that the Ultimate will cost a bit more than that of the Standard.
Ms. Brandel goes further into the aesthetics of V2 Cigs electronic cigarette device by explaining how the entire product has a premium and quality feel to it. V2 gives buyers the option between several colors for their battery, adding a touch of personalization to their vaping devices. Flavors choices are abundant with V2 Cigs as they offer multiple classic tobacco, menthol, vanilla, cherry, coffee, grape, chocolate and even cola flavors. Furthermore, V2 Cigs’ electronic cigarettes are available with three different nicotine concentrations helping those looking to gradually decrease their nicotine intake. Battery life is better than average delivering approx. 180 and 300 drags for the standard and extended batteries, respectively.
The electronic cigarette review site, eCig Vision, was founded in 2013 and has experienced a steady increase in its online following. Laura Brandel created the site after she personally tried various electronic cigarettes when she decided to give up smoking tobacco and realized that her experiences could benefit others. To read more V2 cig reviews visit eCig Vision.
Laura Brandel
eCig Vision
Colorado, US