XIAMEN - Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery is a popular company which is engaged in direct selling of wholesale oil paintings from China . Based with its operations in Xiamen, China the company is committed to provide wholesale and retail art work reproduction services online to specific client groups worldwide. The company acts as a direct gallery for selling numerous creative and classy hand-painted oil paintings of top quality.
The company owner says, ¡°We wholesale oil paintings with different quality, no minimum quantity required, one oil painting is for sale at wholesale price¡±. Customers can choose from a wide range of oil painting collections displayed online. As a wholesale china oil paintings company, Refine gallery specializes in offering innovative painting collection categories such as water color, decoration paintings, water color paintings, portraits, giclee prints, photo paintings, canvas paintings, abstracts, master piece works and portraits based on the specific customer needs.
Customers are provided an opportunity to order any individualized art work reproduction as per their choice. The original paintings to be reproduced can be modified in areas such as size, background, style, color and even elimination of any objects from wholesale contemporary paintings . A fully new painting will be reproduced even from a damaged or older art work.
The company holds the reputation of having exhibited more than 12,000 elite paintings based on different subject or themes categorized as streetscape, figure, nude, flower/flora, seascape, knife painting, group painting, Mediterranean sea, fruit, landscape, decoration, abstract and many other oil painting reproductions China wholesale. ¡°We can offer you large volume high quality, 100% hand-painted reproductions of old masterpieces and oil paintings of our artists¡±, adds the company owner.
Customers are offered the unique option to purchase some of the masterpiece art works of great and world renowned fine artists such as Picasso, Monet, Lempicka, Modigliani, Kandinsky, Magritte Rene, Caravaggio, Leonardo Da ¨CVinci, Edward Hopper, Diego Rivera and many other artists. It is possible to witness best quality paintings of different styles at competitive price. The company ensures 100% guarantee for all kinds of oil paintings offered at a competitive price. The company sells oil paintings wholesale to worldwide clients based in USA, UK, France, Germany and Italy.
To read more details about Refine Gallery, visit http://www.refinegallery.com/
About Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery is a reputed dealer of whole sale art reproductions based in Xiamen, China. The company offers a specific gallery for art lovers to purchase creative oil paintings of world renowned artists at a wholesale price. Customers are offered paintings of different styles and themes as per their choice at a competitive price.
Media Contact
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Room 229, 63th Nanpu Road,
Jimei Zone,
China 361022
0086-592 6211 500
Email: sales@refinegallery.com
Website: http://www.refinegallery.com/