CHINA - has a large stock of oil paintings under varieties of categories. This online store supplies paintings directly from the oil painting village of China. Customized oil paintings of portraits can also be ordered through this online provider.
Decoration oil painting and masterpiece reproductions are also done by Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery. Oil painting whole sale services for clients worldwide are also offered by this website. The specialized works include watercolor painting, giclee prints, painting from photo, and other china oil paintings. All these wholesale oil paintings from China can be purchased online at reasonable prices.
Oil painting reproductions China wholesale gives masterpiece collections of reproduced work from artists like Alfred Sisley, Caravaggio, Diego Rivera, Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Monet, William Bouguereau, Camille Pissarro and many other legends. Buyers can locate masterpiece oil paintings from website as these fine arts are categorized and listed by artist name. The website features different artworks made by 15th and 20th century artists. Customers can send pictures of their favorite artist and China oil paintings offers to reproduce that particular artwork. offers decoration oil paintings of over 4600 with 36 subjects. All artists working under this online store has more than 5 years working experience. Order quality is controlled by special supervision teams. Customer feedbacks are followed through by sales team. Wholesale oil paintings from China offer top quality work by professional artists, high quality oil paintings by experienced artists and also oil paintings by amateur artists. Apart from that commercial reproduction paintings are made available to customers at cheap rates.
The website says, ¡°We can paint any style of oil painting reproductions?at any size, we can change the background, eliminate any figure or object, create color paintings from black and white photos and even paint from damaged or old photos¡±
Buyers can email the selected pictures in order to confirm order and then the will provide price details. There no restriction of minimum or maximum order quantity. wholesale portraits paintings like wedding, pet oil painting, villa and watercolor oil paintings wholesale are available through this online store. Normal delivery time is between 12 to 15 working days bulk orders will take more time. The website has given certain sizes as recommendations and customers can select oil paintings according to that.
To get more information about wholesale oil paintings from China, visit
About Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery is located in Wushipu Oil Painting Village, China. This is a professional company which reproduces oil paintings, frames and watercolors of famous works and others. Wholesale and retail services are delivered to international clients through their online store This company guarantees to provide customized oil paintings at competitive prices.
Media Contact
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Address; room 229, 63th Nanpu Road
Jimie Zone, Xiamen, China 361022
Tel: 0086-592-6211 500