Offers Museum Quality Oil Paintings

CHINA - Masterpiece reproductions and portrait oil paintings are featured in Oil paintings wholesale purchase is also possible through this website. Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery provides quality art works at wholesale prices. Customers can order upto any number as there is no minimum quantity restriction prescribed by the manufacturer. If a particular fine arts reproduction sample or work is not available in the online collection series, buyers can send an email of that picture and the skilled workers of the company will reproduce it for the clients.

china oil paintings are famous for its craftsmanship and detailing. Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery guarantees to provide specialized paintings from photo, watercolor paintings, canvas prints and also ¡®digital ink jet photo¡¯ which are made on canvas prints. These wholesale oil paintings from China are coveted by art lovers from all over the world. Customized art works are also offered by Knife oil painting, Giclee prints, Mediterranean oil painting and many others are available through oil paintings reproduction China wholesale.

The website promises, ¡°We are trustworthy artwork providers, the requirement of customers is always the first priority of our concern, we pursue a long-term connection with any customer by our earnest intent and efforts¡±. features watercolor paintings wholesale of portrait, scenery, building, still life, animal, flower, landscape, people and seascape. Portrait oil paintings wholesale collection includes family, children, wedding, celebrity, classical, pets, wildlife, custom landscape, pencil sketches, pastel drawings, cars, motors and many more. This website offers hand-painted artworks on good canvas along with easy and fast shipping facility worldwide. They also deliver oil paintings of any size as per the requirements of customer.

Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery also supplies fine art masterpiece reproduction. Artists categorized in this collection are of 15th and 20th century which includes Alfred Sisley, Meindert Hobbema, G. Brague, Georges Pierre Seurat, William Bouguereau, Evard Muncr, John William waterhouse, Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci and many other eminent personalities. will email pictures of finished paintings to customers for making modifications or confirm shipping.

To get more information about wholesale oil paintings from China, visit

About Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery

Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery is a leading oil painting manufacturing studio from Xiamen, China having over 10 years direct business and over 5 years online sales experience. More than 100 professional and amateur artists are working in this studio. This art gallery sells all paintings through the online store They provide wholesale service and drop ships of oil paintings to customers from UK, Denmark, France, USA, Italy, Middle East and Australia.

Media Contact
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Address: Room 229, 63th Nanpu Road
Jimie Zone, Xiamen, Cjina 361022
Tel: 0086-592 6211 500

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