CHINA - Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery offers fine art reproductions, abstract oil paintings, giclee prints and many others to art lovers around the globe through their online store. Oil painting reproductions China wholesale are provided in 4 different qualities which include Museum or top quality, High quality, Medium quality and Commercial quality. Customers can choose the particular quality level required according to their payment capacity. ¡®Portrait paintings from Photo¡¯, Masterpiece Reproductions, ¡®Decoration Oil Painting Reproductions¡¯, Giclee and Canvas Prints are offered by
Custom and portrait oil paintings wholesale from photographs are produced in quality canvas with 100% satisfaction guarantee by the company. Oil paintings can be purchased for gifting purposes as well. International clients can purchase wholesale oil paintings from China via China oil paintings are made available to customers in different sizes and styles. Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery accepts payments through PayPal, Western Union and Bank transfer is also possible with the help of Bank of China.
The website says, "For your convenience, we provide you with a large volume of oil painting database on our website, which collects numerous artworks produced by artists from the 15th century to the 20th century"
Customers will get Giclee prints on polyester, cotton, textured and stretched canvas. Decoration oil paintings are custom wrapped to suit the requirements of clients. Quality and standard are fulfilled by special supervisors and sales team. The in-stock paintings of Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery cover over 36 subjects and 4600 oil paintings. Viewers will get an insight about paintings through the official website of the company. features watercolor painting collections of animal, people, flower, landscape, still life and seascape. Their oil painting reproduction includes abstract/decoration, cartoon, fruit, group painting, knife painting, flora/flower, animal/pet, Venice, streetscape, water country and many others. Customers will get an opportunity to select from wide varieties of wholesale mordern oil paintings from China. Transportation methods and pricing are provided in the website. All orders need to be placed online through
To get more information about China oil paintings, visit
About Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery is located in Xiamen, China. This company offers oil painting reproduction, wrap painting, watercolor paintings, giclee prints and many others through their online store Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery has over 10 years of business experience and more than 5 years online sales experience. Major international clients of this online store are from France, Italy, Denmark, USA, UK, Middle East and Australia.
Media Contact
Refine Oil Painting Art Gallery
Address; room 229, 63th Nanpu Road
Jimie Zone, Xiamen, China 361022
Tel: 0086-592-6211 500