CHINA - Museum quality and hand painted oil painting reproductions are provided to art lovers at a price lower than art galleries by Fine Arte Store. This online store has China oil paintings for sale. Customers can select from more than 40,000 rich collections from Eminent artists¡¯ masterpiece reproductions are also featured in this website. New designs and collections of oil painting are listed under the icon, browse by subject. Oil paintings reproductions orders are accepted from international clients. Live support facility is available for buyers. Samples of various quality paintings are provided in this website. displays masterpiece reproductions of the most popular artists which include Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Ivan Shishkin, Lord Frederick Leighton, Paul Cezanne, Leonardo da Vinci, John Singer Sargent, Tiziano Vecelli Titian and many others. Browse by stock option allows customers to purchase their favorite oil paintings at discounted rates. Some of the medium quality handmade oil paintings are available through this online store at a price of $15.00. Manufacturers are confident about the quality of art works so that they offer money back guarantee.
The website says, ¡°We make sure that our reproductions contain the same brushstrokes and techniques used by the original artist. However, since the rembrandt reproduction paintings are made by hand and are not computer generated there is always a slight variation between the reproduction and the original.¡±
Hand painted oil painting reproductions are coming directly from the studio of Fine Arte Store. Oil painting of different costs to suit the budget of customers is offered by this online store. Stable art quality is guaranteed with quality control systems. Payments can be made through PayPal, Western Union, Moneygram etc. The lowest possible shipping cost is charged from the customers. Art lovers can register to this website and can avail discounts, special offers and updates through newsletters. The popular tags section consists of decoration painting, Russian landscape painting, impressional painting, Kiss of Klimit and Alfred Sisley¡¯s Banks of the Orvanne 1890. offers custom art works and portrait paintings. After placing an order, a representative of this online art store will contact the customers with price quotes. Delivery will be made within 4 weeks. Portrait paintings of family, wedding and children are available. Custom paintings are done mainly of landscape, buildings, pets etc.
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About Fine Arte Store is an online supplier of hand painted oil painting reproductions, masterpiece reproductions and others. This online store has the largest artwork collections with over 40,000 oil paintings. Realistic, contemporary, modern and classical abstract and decoration paintings are offered by this fine art store.
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