Cupertino, CA — Sales quotas a necessary part of maintaining steady company growth by motivating employees to meet predetermined sales goals. The problem with quotas has always been that they are difficult to forecast and can be hard to adapt as conditions change. The new Sugar 6.7 helps companies create and amend their sales quotas through an intuitive forecasting module.
The forecasting module in Sugar 6.7 is a tool that allows managers and sales people to plan revenue and see trends in sales. With up-to-date sales data, sales teams are able to adjust their sales plans and quotas to changing business situations. The forecasting module is easy to set up and customize. The forecasting wizard walks Sugar system administrators in the company through the entire process. They are able to set specific time frames and outcome ranges based on the company’s requirements and the fields are automatically updated to everyone involved in the sales pipeline. The default data range is for sales that are the most likely to close, but data ranges can also be adjusted to include those sales that are the best case scenario.
As sales reps move customers through the pipeline, the Sugar system updates the probability that the sale will close. Probabilities that fall within the outcome range set by the company are included in the forecasted revenue, and it gives sales managers a clear picture of what sales numbers for the month or quarter may actually be. Sales reps can focus on pursuing leads that have the best chance to close, allowing them a better chance to meet their sales quotas.
Forecasting sales data is just a small part of an overall CRM project management solution that companies need to increase revenue. Sugar 6.7 integrates all of the project management tools of previous versions of Sugar with a new forecasting module to give sales teams the very best picture of the sales data.
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