Cupertino, CA — As a company grows it becomes increasingly difficult to monitor sales performance or the success of a marketing campaign. For small businesses these numbers are kept in different pieces of software and the employees must manually coordinate several disparate platforms. When the company expands, more systems must be added to track even more data, and potential customers fall through the cracks. SugarCRM is now pleased to announce the launch of its fully integrated SugarCRM marketing solution that can integrate all of the legacy software a business has been using and direct leads into the sales pipeline.
A CRM marketing strategy from Sugar offers a variety of benefits not found in other companies. First, Sugar’s CRM marketing interface is fully customizable. With drag-and-drop menus, and adjustable data fields, SugarCRM can be adapted to meet the specific industry demands of any company. Second, the interface Sugar provides is fully automated, allowing salespeople to follow a preset workflow guide that increases productivity and leads to more contact with the customer. No longer will companies have to worry that potential sales are being missed because a lead got lost in the system. Finally, a CRM marketing solution from Sugar enables companies to create a standardized sales procedure and monitor the sales staff to make sure the procedure is being followed. With a standardized sales process and automated workflow, businesses can convert more sales leads into paying customers by ensuring that employees are focused on high value tasks.
With the integration feature of Sugar’s CRM marketing interface, employees will find all of the information they need about a customer in one place, including contact information and existing relationships that may help make the sale. By eliminating the need to use multiple programs, Sugar’s CRM marketing solution is extremely user friendly and encourages employees to spend more time meeting customers and less time doing paperwork.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit to read about Sugar’s unique integrated platform or call (877) 842-7276 to discuss a free trial.