China - The sport which name is footbag has swept over the globe. According to the recently data, there are nearly 100 countries where have been set up the specific organizations to promote this sport. With the development of this sport and the effort of players, many beautiful skills and tricks have been added into this game. These skills have made the sport for hacky sack become more ornamental and participation. The FOOTBAG has integrated into the beauty of dance, wildness of soccer, confrontational of tennis and cooperation spirit of volleyball. Thus, this game has becoming one kind of new sport set which has the advantage of a number of sports. Although this game is very funny and popular, the sellers for them are very little. So, if you want to know or buy the hacky sack, we recommend you the website which is the very famous seller for high quality footbag.
The main categories of this game could be divided into freestyle sports and athletic style. According to the information from website , the main topic of the Freestyle hacky is the juggle. Through the cooperation between our body and footbag, we could produce the beautiful dance effect. Therefore, someone could also call this sport the name of Dancing of foot. The playing methods for Freestyle footbags are varied. You could have the individual playing. On the other hand, you can also match with two or more people. When you are juggling, you should take advantage of the foot, instep, knee Ministry and lower part of foot to kick the ball. However, the using for other parts of our body such as hands and arms is forbidden.
In the game playing for hacky sacks , the game player should accompany their compiled action with appropriate music which would be relatively strong sense of rhythm or passion. The kicking should follow with the beating rhythm of the music. The result would be determined by the consistency of the music and movement, the hardness of action, movement coordination, originality and other indicators. The highest score is 10 points.
Athletic style of footbag game is similar with the playing of tennis and volleyball. The venue would have the length of about 11 meters and the width of 6 meters. There would also have net which height is approximately 1.6 meter in the middle of the venue. The number of the athlete could be single person or a group of many. The scoring for the hacky sack would be similar to volleyball. If you could win two consecutive balls, you would win one score. When the other would make catching mistakes or their ball is out of bounds, then you can be added one score. There is a strong confrontational and skillful capability for athletic style of footbag. On the other hand, there would also have the stronger interest in this game.