Dental implants are titanium supports that are screwed into the jaw bone to replace tooth roots. A crown, bridge or denture is then fixed to the implant, creating teeth that look and feel just like the real thing.
It is now possible for patients to walk into a dental implant clinic in the morning with no teeth, and leave in the afternoon with their smile completely restored.
‘Same day teeth’ was something Mile, a patient of Dr Andrew Moore, wanted. Mike was only in his thirties but most of his upper teeth had been removed due to multiple fractures and chronic infection. His jawbone had healed since the removal of his teeth. It was suitable for implant placement and prosthetic teeth to be fitted at the same time.
Dr Andrew Moore said: “Mike’s implant treatment began at 8am to allow time for his new teeth to be constructed on the same day. His implant surgery was in the morning, and his new teeth were fixed in place in the afternoon. Mike was so delighted with the final look and feel of his teeth that he is planning to have the same treatment on his bottom jaw in the future.”
Dental implants are considered to be the best long-term treatment for missing teeth as they function just as natural teeth would. Implant-supported bridges and dentures don’t move about in the mouth, allowing you to eat whatever you please, as well as reducing jaw bone shrinkage. Teeth implants can last a lifetime and don’t require continual trips to the dentist for adjustment.
For more information on dental implants, and to find your nearest implant dentist, visit
Notes to Editors:
For more information please contact Emma Butler on 01672 810162 / 07767 676714 /
Over 100 dentists and dental clinics, throughout the UK and Ireland, offering implants are listed within the online directory,
Dental implants are overwhelmingly a private treatment as the procedure is only available on the NHS if there is a medical need. However, according to the British Dental Health Foundation patient information leaflet on dental implants, “Over the longer term, implants are usually a more cost-effective and satisfactory option.”
Dental implants: A dental implant is a titanium rod used to replace lost or failing tooth roots, to provide support for replacement teeth. They can be used to replace missing or failing teeth, support single crowns and fixed bridges, retain full dentures and to replace full and partial dentures.
Patient advantages: Dental implants mean an end to uncomfortable dentures and loose bridgework. Dental implants look and function like natural teeth, increasing the patient’s confidence of a completely natural smile. Patients are left able to eat, talk, smile, laugh and kiss with confidence. Facial and gum vitality are maintained.
Clinical advantages: With dental implants there is no need to damage the adjacent teeth as there is with conventional bridge work. Implants are as firm as natural teeth, can last a lifetime, and are cost-effective in the long term. Continued use of the supporting bone prevents the shrinking associated with conventional denture use.
DENTSPLY Implants is the implant division of DENTSPLY Inc, the world’s most prolific supplier of specialist materials used in dentistry. The company is campaigning to make implant treatment more accessible to dental patients throughout the UK. In addition to providing direct access to implant dentists online via , the company is helping to make the option of dental implant treatment more widely available through patients’ own dentists. It supports training for patients’ general dental practitioner to undertake the final restoration in straightforward referred cases, as well as comprehensive courses on the surgical placement of dental implants.
Dr Andrew Moore is a member of the Association of Dental Implantology, and practices at the Advance Dental Clinic, 104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 0JG. For a free consultation with Andrew, call 08443 878788.
For further information and pictures to support this story, and/or to arrange interviews with an implant dentist or an implant patient, please contact Emma Butler on 01672 810162 / 07767 676714 /
Media Contact:
Emma Butler
01672 810162
07767 676714