Strict qualifications were required for high placement on the Top Pathfinder 1E Character Builds 2024 List. Stellar Dragons evaluated multiple criteria in order to narrow the field to the best 10 for Pathfinder 1E GMs & Players. The full list of items along with the selection criteria can be found on the company website: Among the highest ranked are: #1 The Hidden Priest - It hits every single sweet spot, and then more on top of it. Primary Spellcaster, Animal Companion, turning into a Phoenix. Being capable in combat. It just does it all and more. #2 The Witch Slayer - This build is just so fun to play on so many levels and for so many reasons. There is something about the mythos of the Witch, it’s aesthetic that is both pleasant and attractive. Add to that Necromancy and it should be number 1, except it's just slightly eaked out by the Hidden Priest. #3 The Iron Fox - The fact that it don’t even really need weapons at all is just extra gravy on top of a build that already touches on so many fantastic aspects. A tricksy character - fakecasters are the epitome of that concept, add on full plate armor & this build is just too much to pass on. When discussing the reasons for creating the list, The Glass Walker, Principle Guide Author of Stellar Dragons said, "The Ten Gentlemen, an adventuring party who are the highest graded member of the Gentlemen’s Club, the official and international Adventurer’s Guild in the World of Re’Ach besides the Guild’s mysterious headmistress." Pathfinder 1E GMs & Players looking for the most up-to-date rankings for Pathfinder 1E Character Builds 2024 can view the list at Build designers who would like their build to be considered for the next list may contact Stellar Dragons via their website,