ApnaComplex - the most comprehensive accounting and management solution (http://www.apnacomplex.com) for Housing Societies and Apartment Complexes in India now offers an enhanced Asset Tracking Solution. ApnaComplex's Asset Tracking solution aims to reduce the efforts of management committees in maintaining Assets of a housing society and reduce hidden costs that arise due to missing service schedules.
Customers of ApnaComplex can now do more with Asset Tracking in ApnaComplex. Societies can now attach all the service schedules of a given asset ahead of time and get reminders for the same as and when the service dates approach. All the service due dates will also automatically be visible under the "To Do List" of the committee as well.
Administrators can add any action items on an Asset like AMC expiry, Warranty Expiry dates as well and get reminders on the same.
Associations can attach documents to individual assets and asset groups. This shall enable them to store operating manuals, design diagrams, AMC contracts, warranty cards, pictures of the asset at a central place. There is no more need to search for details of an asset.
Depreciation rates for assets can also be captured which provides the current value of Assets that can help in preparing the balance sheets appropriately.
Tracking Assets of an Housing Society and an Apartment Association has never been so easy and effective.
Visit https://www.apnacomplex.com/features to see all various features of this innovative service. ApnaComplex offers a 30-day, no-obligation, free trial of the service for all housing societies and apartment complex.