Christmas is just around the corner, and what better way to get into the festive spirit than by diffusing some delicious-smelling pine essential oil blends? Loving Essential Oils has released a brand new guide on how to create your own pine-scented aromatherapy blends, perfect for filling your home with that Christmassy feeling. The holidays are a great time to enjoy the wonderful smell of pine in your home, so why not give these recipes a try? Find them here: Jennifer Lane, a Certified Aromatherapist and the founder of Loving Essential Oils website, describes that these blend recipes are a combination of essential oils that are used to create a woodsy scent when diffused into the air. Pine oil is often used to create a calming atmosphere in a room and can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. Pine essential oil is also known as Scots Pine or Scotch pine, an comes from the Pinus sylvestris tree. Jennifer explains that diffuser blends are made by mixing different essential oils together in order to create a unique scent. This unique scent is then added to an aromatherapy diffuser and misted into the air. Pine essential oil blends can be used in a variety of different ways, including in a diffuser, in a spray bottle, or even in a potpourri. From invigorating blends that will help the user get into the holiday spirit, to soothing mixtures that will help with relaxation after a long day of shopping, this guide has something for everyone. Pine essential oil has been used to help promote better sleep, boost energy levels, and even reduce the symptoms of colds and flu. The most common essential oils used in pine diffuser blends are eucalyptus, cedarwood, and juniper berry. Scots pine essential oil is used for a variety of benefits and therapeutic properties. Jennifer elaborates, "Pine oil is commonly used in a diffuser during the holidays for its familiar Christmas Tree-like scent. In our latest DIY guide we share recipes each designed to provide unique benefits like stress relief or getting into the holiday spirit." Ready to read the full Loving Essential Oils guide? Head on over to now!