By now everyone has heard of the ERTC program, also known as the ERC, or the Employee Retention Tax Credit program - but not enough people are talking about it. When the ERTC first came out, it was mostly ignored. This isn't a huge surprise, since at the time it only offered business owners a few thousand dollars, and you were only allowed to enroll in either the ERTC or the PPP - not both. But all of that has changed. There have been several updates to the ERTC program that have greatly expanded the eligibility, and the maximum amount you can claim. The problem now? Many small and medium-sized business owners have no idea they're eligible for this free money from the federal government. ERC Tax Group can help you to find out if you're eligible, absolutely free, and it only takes a minute. They can even help you to maximize your tax credits, deal with the paperwork, and file your claim ASAP so you can save your spot in line for a rebate. Here is a reference link at the IRS: Want to learn more? Visit to get all the details, or to take a free eligibility test. The free eligibility assessment is available with no obligation to any employer with fewer than 500 full-time employees. It uses the answers to 10 simple questions to determine if your company qualifies for ERTC rebates, and to estimate how much you can claim. Finding out if you're eligible is free, fast, and easy. It doesn't require any proprietary business information, and the assessment can also be used by startups, non-profit organizations, or new businesses founded during the pandemic. The entire assessment takes approximately one minute to complete, and eligible employers will be provided with a link to the company’s 15 Minute Refund program. The 15 Minute Refund program guarantees you the maximum allowable rebate under the expanded ERTC guidelines, which could be up to $26,000 per employee. The program connects employers with a team of ERTC specialist CPAs that will help to calculate their rebates and complete the paperwork, with a time commitment of 15 minutes or less from the business owner. The program is provided with no risk, so any employer that does not qualify or does not receive a rebate will not be charged. The 15 Minute Refund program also has no up-front costs, and your business will not be charged until after you have received your rebates from the IRS. To qualify, your business must have between 5 and 500 full-time W-2 employees and have been affected by the pandemic. This could include suffering financial losses compared to previous years, limiting customer capacity, or temporary closures due to government orders, such as a lockdown. A spokesperson for ERC Tax Group said, “We only specialize in maximizing Employee Retention Tax Credits for small business owners… When you engage us, rest assured that you’ve hired the best CPA Firm to lock in this one-time opportunity for a large refund check from the IRS.“ With up to $26,000 per employee in rebates that you never have to pay back, a free eligibility check, a no-risk application, and no fees at all until after you receive your rebate from the IRS, it's a win-win-win. The only way you can lose is if you don't apply. Take the free eligibility check right now at