Any new parent knows there’s nothing quite like the piercing sound of your newborn baby crying out at 2.00am, 3.00am, 3.27am, 3.53am... Then there’s all the sleep anxiety... To swaddle or not to swaddle? To rock or not to rock? If you’ve been drowning in baby books and bad advice, you need to go to the source. You need Vivian Sonneberg, the Bay Area’s number one baby sleep consultant. In her new parent guide, the experienced baby sleep training coach details the best sleep methods for newborn babies. She also breaks down the American Academy of Pediatrics’ new safe sleep guidelines for babies and summarizes their implications for parents like yourself. Go to to find out more. The release of the new online advice guide both responds to the recently announced guidelines and to the increasing stress levels around sleep that have been witnessed by parents in the US and across the globe. According to a recent report from the BBC, the vast majority of parents now say they experience a ‘great deal of’ anxiety and stress over their baby’s sleeping habits... something you can probably relate to! Vivian Sonneberg understands that with countless baby books and even more blogs devoted to the subject, it is more confusing and stressful than ever for you to separate science from opinion, and to ascertain what healthy baby sleep actually looks like. As such, in her concise new guide, she is proud to be clearly explaining the latest guidelines regarding flat cribs and back sleeping, and explaining to anxious parents like yourself the importance of staying calm. If you are a parent living in the San Francisco Bay Area, you can also contract Sonneberg’s infant sleep trainer services personally. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, she has a proven track record in helping families to form good sleep habits and in aiding both babies and toddlers to sleep through the night within 2-6 nights of her commencing her program. Included in her newborn and baby sleep coaching packages is unlimited phone contact. Vivian Sonneberg understands that you need to be in touch, and she wants to offer you her full support and guidance. As a part of her assessment, Sonneberg will get to know your baby’s current daily routines, including their activities and eating and sleeping habits, their current sleep set up and more. From there, she will begin setting guidelines to ensure your newborn or baby falls and stays asleep, without the need for any unnecessary equipment. Vivian Sonneberg is an acclaimed infant sleep specialist and consultant whose work has been featured on Today and ABC. A spokesperson for the trainer said, “Vivian understands that sleep is vital for all, which is why she is here to help. She has helped over 8,500 families sleep through the night within days as a sleep consultant.” If you want you and your baby to enjoy a long, deep and genuinely restful sleep, check out Vivian Sonneberg’s online advice or contract her services today. Visit to see how your baby can sleep safely and soundly all night long.