The ore hardness reflects the features in ore’s formation and ore’s physical& mechanical properties. It is hard to crush ores of compact structures, tiny crystals and high hardness. Thus, it need more time to crushing so as to reach the required ore fineness in grinding. But usually, it affects the mill’s capacity. It is easy to crush ores of low hardness and the processing capacity of ores per unit volume is also high. <br>
Since the hardness of ores is an unchangeable factor, we should adopt an positive attitude in the production, to high hardness ores. For example, we can find out the operation conditions, such as discharge concentration and the amount of returning sand by testing. Ores should be reduced to as small size as possible in crushing system. Besides, the best ratio of steel balls to ores should be found out if the size condition is steady. Get <a href="" >beneficiation</a>,<a href="" >Mineral Processing</a>,<a href="" >ball mill</a> From <a href="" ></a>.