Warren Buffett, —the great Warren Buffett, who we all know and love, and is usually a stock-and-company type of investor, has recently declared a top piece of advice for you on how to get wealthy! Buffett recommends that you get a 30-year fixed-rate loan because the 30-year fixed-rate loan is unimaginably good for real estate investing. For beginners, this strategy is quickly achievable, doable, and perfect in any economic up or down and certainly great for you in these times.Here is a little real estate investing for beginners tip for you, that always holds true. One of the most amazing things that exists in the United States is our ability to get that 30-year fixed-rate loan on any home we might want to own. The reason this is so powerful for you as a beginning investor can be astounding upon a closer look. The 30-year fixed-rate loan is where your loan payment and the balance never keep up with inflation. While everything else in the US economy expands with inflation, your mortgage stays the same. Inflation actually erodes the value of your loan year after year. For you, this is the heart of the process of real estate investing for beginners.Real estate investment includes a lot; short-term rentals, long term investments, we often worry what about investing in condos, renting duplexes or single-family homes, are rental houses a good investment, should I go for short-term rentals, long-term rentals, larger apartment complexes, or perhaps I should get into commercial property, industrial property… It's a big universe, but for you, the individual investor, the real sweet spot is the single-family home rental. Coming up this quarter Adiel Gorel, owner of International Capital Group (ICG) is hosting a free virtual event for you all about Remote Control Retirement Riches. Along with experts, Adiel Gorel will expound on real estate investing for beginners, each expert will answer your individual questions and Adiel will reveal the best places to invest in 2022, available now, with the price pre-negotiated and the market analyzed. This “everything you need to know” event for investors is a huge hit and has afforded 1000s of people just like you with Remote Control Retirement Riches. Don’t miss out, click icgre.com to register and set up your winning retirement plan today. Specifically, regarding real estate investing for beginners Gorel focuses on brand new homes between $280k- $330k. Assuming your income is “regular”, and you have decent credit, a beginning investor such as yourself, can usually easily qualify easily for the type of investment property that leverages the 30-year-fixed rate loan to provide you with a bountiful retirement. Now, of course, the final resource needed is your down payment. The minimum investment or down payment that Fannie Mae allows you to put as an investor is 15%, with private mortgage insurance or PMI. So if you buy an investment property for $300k, then 15% will be $45,000 plus closing costs and loan costs— let's say it's less than $55k. Now you know how much your initial investment will be, that’s very knowable and therefore achievable.The single-family home is the most liquid investment to own, making it the logical first step in real estate investing for beginners. For one, when the time comes to sell it in a marketplace, everyone is a potential buyer. Duplexes and fourplexes could work for you but only if they are in good areas; however, in most markets, the duplexes and fourplexes are not in the best areas of town. The single-family home coupled with the 30-year fixed-rate loan will attract families, and longer-term rentals, for you, and they tend to be in better neighborhoods. Often with the new builds, there is a tendency for you and your neighbors to collectively maintain the properties keeping the curb appeal of the neighborhood to a high standard. “Single-family homes are the most appropriate investments for “real people,” as opposed to uber-wealthy people, or the very experienced investors. The single-family home coupled with the 30-year fixed-rate loan is the perfect first step in real estate investing for beginners.” – Adiel Gorel, owner of International Capital Group (ICG)Exceptions could be duplexes in good areas. Under certain circumstances, and only if coupled with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage on them. There's a lot more to say about real estate investing for beginners which will be said at the upcoming Remote Control Retirement Riches Event. But to make it short and simple, single-family homes have a lot more benefits and cause a lot fewer headaches for you. Adiel Gorel has selected amazing guest speakers for you, such as brokers, management company representatives, and financial advisors, all will be talking about how to invest in real estate, especially real estate investing for beginners. Adiel will be answering the most pressing question: are rental houses a good investment, in more detail at the upcoming event. You don’t miss out. Click here ICGRE.com/guide to find out how you can start investing in real estate in 2022.