Don’t cheat yourself out of ROI during rising rental costs

Before you invest in your first rental property or your tenth property, you must know the ins and outs of how to calculate return on investment for rental property the proper way for you. Millions of us have been calculating it in a way that can make us very susceptible to the often devastating effects of economic ups and downs. So many of us think of our return on investment only as the amount of cash flow we get immediately from the rents. But for Adiel Gorel, owner of ICG International Capital Group it's a whole different playing field, a safer one, that yields more long-term ROI, for you. “After decades, of buying hundreds of houses for myself and thousands for my investors, how to calculate return on investment for rental property is very clear. We look at the IRR, Internal Rate of Return before every purchase. It’s vital for your success.” says Adiel Gorel.So here you are, you are considering buying a home in SF, you see the housing prices and think perhaps I’ll rent in SF, and or buy a combination where I live in a unit and rent a unit or perhaps I buy a fixer-upper then rent it out. Let me bottom line this for you. San Francisco is a renter’s market even with the rising prices of rentals. In fact, the average rent for a San Francisco 3-bedroom apartment is $5,427 and that is two and a half times the national average. Only Manhattan is more expensive to rent.The average cost for you to buy in SF, according to Zillow, the typical home value in San Francisco is about 1.6 million. So why are we still buying homes in SF thinking they will make money as landlords?One of the reasons you might mistakenly buy in SF despite rising real estate prices, despite rental property price hikes, and despite the regulations shrinking profit margins for SF landlords is a miscalculation.You must know exactly how to calculate return on investment for rental properties. When your focus is on that, and you resist succumbing to tunnel vision in the first year of cash flow, you can begin to easily see what is a good return on investment for rental property and make your decisions wisely. This, you will find, takes the emotion out of it for you and gives you the experience of peace throughout the whole process.“For me, the single-family home with a fixed 30-year rate isn’t one of these get-rich-quick-schemes you see blasted all over the internet by anyone with a phone camera. I, it's a solid investment that’s been working for three decades for 1000s of folks just like you and me. All great futures are built on solid investments. You can build yours now.” says Adiel Gorel.Coming up this quarter Adiel Gorel, owner of International Capital Group is hosting a free virtual event for you. He has invited experts that any new real estate investor such as yourself would want to consult. Here's where you can get answers to your specific questions. Adiel will be revealing the best places to invest in 2022 for you, available now, with the price pre-negotiated for you and the market analyzed by local realtors for you. This “everything you need to know” event for investors is a huge hit and has afforded 1000s of folks like you with real estate to retire in abundance. You don’t want to miss out. Click to register and set up the winning retirement plan today. Gorel and his thousands of investors started just like you, feeling like they were starting too late. You are not too late. Those of you who follow his Remote Control Retirement Riches program, know exactly what a good return on investment is for each rental property you buy before you sign the deal. Once you sign your first deal and see your wealth-building into a robust retirement plan, you will know you are not too late. Most of you will quickly change your mind toward buying more now that your fears have been overcome. When it comes down to it, you must adopt a wealth-building mindset and you must let go of the cash now mindset. That is what your income is for, cash now. While it seems lower on cash flow at the beginning, the overall internal rate of return on the single-family home in good neighborhoods in the sunbelt states near major metropolitan areas with the 30-year fixed-rate loan is usually very good for you, very reliable for you, very predictable for you, and can provide your family with financial security for the duration of your ownership and long after. When you capitalize on this process and you buy multiple homes you can even provide your family with generational wealth. What a legacy for you to leave your family! Don’t miss out on creating your legacy because of a miscalculation. You can avoid getting sucked into the common and destructive mistake, most of us make, of buying junk properties because on paper they yield you a small cash flow, right away. When you get the true knowledge of how to calculate return on investment for rental property you will never cheat yourself out of massive ROI. This is a huge advantage for you right now, especially during rising rental prices.Visit to find out the best places to invest in real estate in 2022. Get details about how to calculate return on investment for rental property, the best places to invest in 2022, because you will now know how to calculate what is a good return on investment for rental property. Many of us don’t know how easy it can be and are surprised by how much clearer our decision is made by the answer you find at this event.  

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