No matter where the tornado of the current economy has landed you, anyone with real estate is looking at refinancing rental properties. Yup, you’re not in Kansas anymore, even if you are literally in Kansas! It’s a whole new world and this one strategy could be what you’re looking for to come out on top. Refinancing rental properties is always an option for you and people do it for many reasons. But it’s crucial that you’re not just looking at the lowered mortgage rates. The numbers and the strategy must align in these economic times. It isn’t as simple as the rates have decreased therefore refinancing rental properties is a no-brainer decision for you. There are serious considerations and calculations that need to be made before you make a devastating choice in a panic. It’s best to deeply assess. In many markets, the pandemic has caused incredible increases in value for single-family homes, inspiring people into refinancing rental properties along with their own homes. But is this the right move, for your financial goals, right now?Adiel Gorel, Owner of International Capital Group will be hosting the live zoom event to find out the best places to invest in real estate in 2022 and answer all your questions about refinancing to get tax-free cash.Adiel Gorel states “The biggest market that we ever invested in was Phoenix, AZ. metro area, where we bought over 3,000 properties over 21 years. During nearly two years of the pandemic, the prices of those homes went up by, wait for it— over 50%!”Not every gold rush yields gold especially for those of you looking to get rich quick, quick, quick. Are you focusing solely on refinancing rental properties to maximize your investments? The rates have likely lowered since you originally purchased your property, especially because refinancing rental properties means tax-free cash. But what to do with that tax-free cash is the big question.Tax-free cash sounds great and it can be great if your strategy for reinvestment is great as well. The heart and soul of investing, especially in single-family home rentals, is the 30-year fixed-rate loan because that loan never changes despite inflation and rising costs of living. When you have a rental property, inflation becomes your friend. Inflation will continue to erode the real value of a fixed-rate loan day after day, while the tenant is paying off your mortgage. Taking it a step further, if the interest rate on the old loan is higher, which could be as high as 5%-7% or higher, now it’s possible to refinance to a much lower rate, maybe 3.5% or 4%, and then pull out cash. And indeed, your monthly payment may not even be that much higher when you move down from, say, 7.75% (the rate that many of our investors were getting at the beginning of the 2000s) to 3.5% or 4%. That would be an example of where the numbers make it savvy to be refinancing rental properties and taking cash out. A very impactful strategy can be put into play for those who understand how to leverage their tax-free cash. Real estate investment loans are simply tools to reach your financial goals and can be used in a variety of ways.When refinancing rental properties solely to improve your rate, without pulling out any cash, it may not be worth it unless the rate improves by at least 1.5%, and preferably 2% or more. Why? Always do the calculations however, don’t forget the massive benefits of being a long-term investor. With a single-family home in the sunshine states at a 30-year fixed rate many investors wisely choose to do the hardest thing to do in real estate, Nothing! Many investors simply let these loans pay for themselves over the course of years… and rates will always fluctuate while you’re holding a 30-year fixed-rate loan. Keep in mind when refinancing rental properties, less than 1.5% improvement is usually not worth it. A rental property that's worth about $300k, and with a $200K loan means there isn’t much cash to pull out. Here’s the needle mover, to successfully refinancing rental properties. When the amount of cash you can pull out is significant, especially when this amount is significant enough that it can be used as a downpayment to buy two or three more homes for you. We don't pay taxes on a loan, so here is where you get the tax-free cash. A great strategy is to use that cash to increase the quantity of homes from one to three or four. You can get a loan at a very good rate for them, during this time, with the cash you have pulled out. That’s a situation where refinancing rental properties can make a significant contribution to your family’s wealth and serious financial security for you in the long run. “The more properties you own with tenants paying off your mortgage the more options you have in life. It can equate very easily to the freedom to do the things you love, send your child to their dream university, pay for any unexpected needs with far less stress”, says Adiel Gorel. Right now during the pandemic, the interest rates are essentially the lowest rates in the history of all time. This has many people moving away from renting apartments to renting single-family homes with a yard, with room for a home office, with access to a major metropolitan area but just far away that it feels safe and secure. Single-family homes in the sunbelt states with the 30-year fixed-rate loan have always been the darling of real estate investments but now more than ever. So many families are migrating during the pandemic and they are migrating to single-family homes to rent. It’s a robust market to be in right now. The average interest rate for a 30-year fixed-rate loan is between around 3% for a homeowner and about 3.75% for an investor. It’s another reason why a 30-year fixed-rate loan is a very good idea and why investors all over the world are scrambling to buy in the US and ride this economic wave to their benefit. Here’s the bottom line: it’s all about understanding the strategy behind refinancing rental properties before calling up the bank. Remember the bank has its goals as a lender and those aren’t necessarily the same goals as the borrower. Before you make the call, education is key to coming through the pandemic smarter, safer, and wealthier.Visit to find out the best places to invest in real estate in 2022. Get details about refinancing rental properties, or rental properties tax deductions today. Many people don’t know how rental income is taxed and are surprised by the answer. Being surprised is not a strategy, get answers, it can mean a huge difference to the bottom line.