For as long as there has been screen time, there has been the guilt that comes with it. Parents feel guilty about letting their children watch TV, play video games, or using the computer for anything other than schoolwork. And with good reason – too much screen time can be harmful to a child’s development. But what if I told you that not all screen time is bad?Rebecca Yee-Peters is the creator and founder of She is a writer, traveler, and advocate for children's creativity. Her website provides in-depth articles on children's creativity, imagination and more, and her latest article, "The Kids Screen Time Guilt is Killing Us - 3 Tips to Let Some Go" has generated some controversy.The article argues that, instead of feeling guilty about screen time, parents should change how they think about it. Screen time can be a positive experience for children if it is used in moderation. And parents suffer with enough guilt as it is! Yee-Peters suggests that parents should encourage their children to explore new interests and activities, discuss electronics as a family and let their children weigh in on decision making. has been providing in-depth articles on children's entertainment for four years, and this is the first time the website has generated any controversy. hopes that the controversy will pass quickly, as the website's main goal is to provide resources for time-starved parents. You can read the full article here on the site.The article, "The Kids Screen Time Guilt is Killing Us - 3 Tips to Let Some Go" has generated some controversy. The article argues that instead of feeling guilty about screen time, parents should change how they think about it. Rebecca Yee-Peters hopes the controversy will pass quickly as her main goal for the website is provide resources for time-starved parents. If you're struggling with this issue in your own family, please visit our site