Have you ever gone to an auto repair shop for a simple oil change, only to be told you need a coolant flush and a new transmission? Are you familiar with terms such as "Gravy Work" and "Wallet Flushing?"A basic oil change is a $20 - $50 service some mechanics will charge hundreds to conduct. This is called Gravy Work. Wallet Flushing is a term that describes upselling unnecessary services, such as a coolant flush or a brake fluid flush.With the launch of Canada's Auto Fix Buddy, practices such as these will no longer be rewarded.Auto Fix Buddy is a Canadian-owned website that connects you with dozens of reputable repair shops and garages in your area. The company is expanding into Atlantic Canada, giving drivers in Fredericton, Moncton, and Saint John, New Brunswick, and those in St. John’s Newfoundland access to a tool that can potentially save them thousands of dollars a year in car repair costs.Discover the best repair shops close to you right now, at https://autofixbuddy.com/en/blogsVehicle owners who don’t have a skilled and reasonably priced mechanic they can rely on often feel vulnerable to repair shop pricing and skill levels. Of those that do have a regular mechanic, not everyone can get their vehicles in to be serviced as quickly as required. These are the needs in the market that Auto Fix Buddy fills. The Canadian company is expanding into Atlantic Canada, giving those of you in Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John, and St. John’s access to a convenient and cost-saving tool.Did you know that only 38% of consumers are "always satisfied" with their mechanics? Or that 78% of motorists say fair prices are the single most important factor when choosing a car repair shop? Also, despite many motorists choosing national car repair brand names, 52% of motorists would prefer to do business with a local car repair garage.Access to a tool like Auto Fix Buddy reduces the potential for inflated pricing and dishonest practices by listing prices and consumer reviews that you can quickly and easily compare. By listing lesser-known, smaller repair shops, you get access to local businesses doing exceptional work, instead of defaulting to bigger national brands based on name recognition alone.As much as Auto Fix Buddy benefits consumers, it also benefits local shop owners whose businesses are being showcased at no cost to them. The tool heightens exposure within the local market, reducing or eliminating the need for costly, hit-and-miss advertising campaigns and SEO marketing specialists.By expanding services to meet the needs of consumers in New Brunswick and Newfoundland, Auto Fix Buddy is creating a more trustworthy industry you can depend on. The tool also spotlights smaller shops in the region that are doing the best work, helping them grow their business.If you need a mechanic right now, would you know who you can afford to trust? Visit https://autofixbuddy.com if you want to find out more.