Have you ever thought about how you could beef up your security, especially around the pool area? How to make it so safe that not even a little 5-year-old could get through your precautionary security blocks?With the goal of providing pool safety certificate support, Safe Pools Australia announced inspection services are essential if you have any type of swimming structure on your property and want to comply with the latest regulations released. Now you can collaborate with a safety expert for your peace of mind, knowing that you have done everything you can to secure your premises.Go to https://safepoolsaustralia.com.au for more information about obtaining a compliance certificate.The pool safety inspection company provides you with access to top-notch inspection and safety services, especially for the improvement of much-needed security measures for little ones around pool and spa areas.Up to 90% of swimming structures do not have the necessary safety barriers installed to protect vulnerable children of 5 years and under. Statistics show an average of 4 children per year die in home pools and spas. There have been 27 drownings since 2000, of which 12 were children who drowned in someone else’s pool.The message is clear. If you have a pool or spa in Malvern, you must have registered compliant safety barriers installed. There are no other options.You can register your permanent, portable, or relocatable spa and swimming pool barriers by booking and confirming your preferred date and time of inspection with Safe Pools Australia online.The company has created an easy-to-follow application and registration system and will issue you a certificate of compliance within 24 hours after passing the safety inspection visit.In order to complete the process and obtain your safety certificate, you will need to click on the website’s inspection button, fill in the registration page with all required information, and book an inspection date, as well as process and confirm payment afterward.Any of your pool or spa structures that have the capacity to hold 300mm water or more in height must have installed and registered protective barriers. This includes indoor, in-ground, above-ground, as well as inflatable and wading swimming pools and spas.A spokesperson for the company said, “We keep you safe from government fines as well as your family safe too.”Safe Pools Australia is the trusted certificate of compliance professional inspectors you can always rely on - reach out to them at (1800-176-657) to find out how they can help you!Those who register and pay for an inspection before 1 November qualify to win a 3-night stay in 4-star accommodation.Go to https://inspections.safepoolsaustralia.com.au/book-inspection for the expert safety barrier certificate solutions you need.