Today, metal panels and posts framing a front yard are most likely aluminum or steel that evokes the look of wrought iron—for far less.DIY or hire a proAn experienced DIYer, assembling and/or installing a hollow aluminum or steel fence is feasible if they don’t mind digging post holes and pouring the concrete. Let a pro handle heavier solid steel or cast iron such asMurfreesboro Iron Fencing Company https://www.murfreesboroironfencingcompany.comHow much maintenance?Not much, compared with, say, a wood fence. Scratches on steel or iron need to be recoated with paint to prevent rust. Rust-proof aluminum requires virtually none.How long do they last?Protect the finish and people can get 20 years or more from hollow steel. A solid-steel, cast-iron, or tubular aluminum fence can last a lifetime.Purchase ready-made panels from a home center, build a DIY kit or hire a pro to do all the work such as Murfreesboro Iron Fencing Company.Prefab: Home centers and fence suppliers carry 6-foot-long tubular aluminum panels held together with screws. DIY-friendly home centers usually offer the best prices but a limited number of designs. At 4-by-6-feet, panels weigh only about 11 pounds each but might require multiple trips to haul home. The screws joining the pickets to the rails allow people to “rack” the panel, following the slope of the yard. Hollow-steel panels are welded together or, in budget versions, joined with rivets, and can weigh about 50 pounds each. Because it’s stronger, steel comes in 8-foot panels, which makes it harder to transport, but install fewer posts. Ameristar’s Montage is a rackable tubular-steel option, but more often, this type of fence panel is stepped down a slope.Pro built: Often the best choice with solid steel, which can weigh 50 pounds per linear foot, requiring heavy machinery to hoist it up. If people have a severely sloped property, people might also want to have a pro handle racking aluminum panels or stepping down steel panels so they follow the grade consistently—this can be tricky to do while leaving enough space below the string trimmer to cut the grass. That is why recommend the fencing contractor pros from Murfreesboro Iron Fencing Company.The average house needs 250 feet of fence. Hire a fencing contractor instead of digging the post holes needed to install a tubular aluminum fence.For more information, please visit Murfreesboro Iron Fencing Company at the website above.