Need to improve your credit score? Now is a great time to do it. If you can't afford to hire a credit repair pro, consider doing it on your own with the guidance of DIY credit repair books from a financial expert.The founder of Tax-Turbo, tax preparation and advisory firm based in Beaumont, Texas, has launched a series of books to guide non-professionals in do-it-yourself credit score repairs and improvement. This comes at a time when the three credit bureaus in the US are under fire for reporting inaccuracies and obsolete information.You can find more information at C. Williams, Jr., the author of the books and owner of tax preparation firm Tax-Turbo, says that with the credit reporting agencies currently in hot water for numerous complaints from consumers, individuals with credit score problems should seize the opportunity to remove credit report items that are negatively affecting their credit profile.Bobby created several do-it-yourself credit repair books to assist people with low credit scores who can’t afford to hire credit repair professionals. As a tax expert, Bobby has helped clients with various financial issues, including credit score improvement.The books will introduce you to the rules of credit, and feature over 75 to 200 templates, instructions, and tips on how to repair credit using methods and strategies developed by credit attorneys and certified consultants. You will learn credit repair pros’ trade secrets and will find simple steps and strategies to improve your credit score to 720 or higher.The books include instructions on how to legally remove derogatory marks from credit reports, including medical collections, late or delinquent student loan payments, accounts in collection, bankruptcy, foreclosure, civil judgment, and more. Dispute letter templates for negative entries in credit reports are also included.Individuals looking to make a substantial purchase, such as a new house, vehicle, or furniture, can especially benefit from a high credit score as this can mean getting qualified for higher loan limits and better loan terms.Interested buyers can get the books at Tax-Turbo’s online store, and are encouraged to make their purchase now before planned price increases are implemented.There are currently six books for sale at the Tax-Turbo store. Buyers can choose from the Silver or Beginner editions, the Gold or Intermediate editions, and the Platinum or the Professional editions.You can learn more by visiting the website mentioned above.