Get your car fixed in a flash by pre-qualified car repairers you can trust when you use the new online marketplace search engine that connects car owners and car repair shops from CrashBay!CrashBay, an automotive company that provides an online marketplace for collision repair across the US and Canada, has launched a search engine function for car repair.Go to for more info.The newly launched search function enables users to find qualified repair shops in one online marketplace. A large offering of car repair shops in the United States and Canada are listed on the site.It’s ideally suited to individuals who would like to get their car repaired quickly after a crash by qualified professionals in the local community. The service is soon expanding globally and allows car owners to find and book repairs in a few seconds.You can find a repair shop near you by visiting the website and entering the city name into the search bar. The search function will then generate a list of nearby car repair shops.You can then book in for a repair via an online calendar on the site. After booking, the appointment will be confirmed by text.You can find car repair shops in your area by visiting part of the launch, qualified local car repairers can sign up for CrashBay to be listed on the site. To do so, they should request a membership.After they submit a membership request, the company will conduct a pre-qualification assessment, select a plan, and place a live calendar of their availability on the website.Customers will be able to search for the car repair business and book a slot on their calendar.Signing up includes several benefits for car repair businesses, including increasing brand visibility, accessing a wide variety of marketplace benefits, and the ability to book extra work.CrashBay is an online marketplace for car repairs in the United States and Canada, founded by John Harvey.The company’s mission is to make auto repair easier for everyone by providing a search function that enables users to find pre-qualified repairs in one search engine.They are passionate about connecting car owners with qualified collision repairers, insurers, and fleet management companies.Are you ready to access car repairers at your fingertips?Go to the URLs above for more info on CrashBay and the launch of the car repair search function.