Award-winning photographer Ramakant Sharda from Jaipur, which is also known as the pink city of India, has revealed his colorful experiment with high-speed photography. This collection has various series including chromatic explosion, psychedelic eruption, creamy contours, stunning nebulae, and many more that took him many years to create.More information on this can be found here: http://clickmanic.comIn a recent interview, Ramakant said that creating set up and cleaning after each shot was the most difficult task. Sometimes it took him days for creating and perfecting setup and lighting and after each shot, he had to clean everything because he used lots and lots of colors for creating these photos.And that’s why he also released a book titled ‘Mastering High-Speed Photography’ so his fellow photographers don’t need to learn everything in a hard way as he did. In this book, he has included everything one needs to learn about high speed photography. This newly launched book has ideas and complete information about this attention-grabbing kind of high-speed photography.The book was written with the aim in mind that every photographer could enter the colorful world of high speed photography including amateur ones. Ramakant Sharda has hopes that the book will help photographers to create stunning photographs.The just-released guide Mastering High-Speed Photography teaches you everything including what equipment you need such as camera, lens, flashes, and most importantly high-speed trigger to make your work a lot easier. It has over 14 different high-speed photography projects with setup images to make the shoot easier. All the camera and trigger settings are also there with complete workflow from start to finish so that readers can learn something fast that took him many years to accomplish it.Ramakant Sharda has also released three coffee table books so far titled Frozen Moments, Ephemeral, and The Third Dimension. He is a brand ambassador of MIOPS and writes regularly for Digital Photography School. His photography work has been published in various magazines, newspapers, and international blogs.Just beautiful!!!, Stunning!!!, Great artistry! I love your compositions, concept & clarity! Stunning!, Great compositions, very creative...! Are the few comments that people left after seeing the photographs.Click on the link above to see these hypnotic photographs and get more information about the book.